The day Uncle Jumbo got booted out of the White House, his almost child bride declared that they would be back in four years. Uncle Jumbo spent those years making babies, obsessively fishing, drinking copious amounts of booze, and smoking numerous cigars. He also went back to lawyering, but this was mostly so he could have an office in which he could drink and smoke in peace. The intervening years were a Rocky training montage, only with Uncle Jumbo getting fatter and less fit. In 1892, the Uncle Jumbo versus Little Ben rematch finally took place. The 1888 election had been a down and dirty grudge match, and many people expected 1892 to be one for the ages. Those people were disappointed. Uncle Jumbo won by a landslide thanks to his competitor being too busy taking care of his dying wife to have time to campaign.
Uncle Jumbo, with the haughty (and heavy) footsteps of a vindicated man, victoriously returned to the White House, and was promptly blindsided by the collapse of the American economy. Uncle Jumbo attempted to solve the problem by begging rich people for money, having the Army shoot railroad strikers, and even doing absolutely nothing. When none of these solutions worked, Uncle Jumbo tried developing a cancerous tumor in his mouth. The tumor didn’t fix the economy, but it did force Uncle Jumbo to have a secret surgery on a friend’s yacht in the middle of the night. The media of course grew curious about all of the secretive goings on. When they asked Uncle Jumbo why part of his jaw was suddenly missing, he told them that they were mistaken and that was what his face had always looked like. It being a very different time, people took him at his word, and the matter was dropped.
The shitty economy took its toll on Uncle Jumbo’s presidency. He was not nominated to run again in 1896, and so, his husky tail back between his legs, he went back into retirement. Uncle Jumbo spent his second retirement much like the first; fishing and drinking himself stupid. However, instead of making babies, he started a new hobby of writing articles for women’s magazines advising that sensible and respectable women did not want the right to vote. Uncle Jumbo died of a heart attack, probably brought on by the fact that he was a big fat bastard. His wife soon after remarried an archeologist who was closer to her own age and weight bracket.