K'In Publishes Collin

Have you ever sat down, maybe a bit tipsy, and wrote something down which at the time you think is one of the most hilarious things you’ve ever read, then the next morning you read it and wonder what is wrong with you? Well, that’s basically the story Collin, which for some reason I decided to base on the long meandering story style of a character off of the show Derry Girls. To be honest, I never thought this one would be accepted for publication by anyone, but apparently somebody liked it, because now here it is, out and about in the world.

Collin was first written in February of 2021 and was first submitted for publication in June of that same year. It was rejected four times before being accepted for publication by K’In in January of 2022, and now five short months later, here it is, available for you to read. I hope you enjoy it.


Well, This is New

Now I thought I had seen just about everything when it came to my writing. For goodness sakes, someone once bought one of my books by mistake in Spain thinking it was a different book, read it, and then emailed me about enjoying it. But this has to be one of the more unique experiences so far. Now some of you might remember that I’ve written a long time history blog called Professor Errare (which will be restarting most likely soon, maybe), and way back in 2019, or maybe sooner, I wrote an entry about how a bunch of Ivy League schools used to take naked pictures of all their students for what they claimed were posture related reasons. You can check it out below.


Anyways, fast forward to 2022, and lo and behold some other person writes an article for a history blog on the same subject, which is no big deal given that there’s only so much history to go around. However, what makes this specific article so interesting is that they use my post as a reference in their article (check out the link below, link in the last paragraph in the section marked: “Some of the ivy league nude photos were burnt.”) Now though I do my research, this does seem like a bit of questionable choice given a) I’m just some rando who once had a blog a few hundred people read, and b) I don’t cite a single one of my information sources. However, though this raises all sorts of questions regarding the veracity of articles you read on the internet, even ones which are cited, it’s still pretty damn cool.


Anyways, if you would like to read more of Professor Errare’s stuff, you should check out some of his books, like:


Witness Publishes Hello Dad

It’s been awhile since I’ve really sat down and done some good writing. For various reasons life got busy, and to be honest after going hard at it for more than a decade, writing constantly, submitting stories every two weeks, I needed a bit of a break. However, it doesn’t mean nothing has been happening. Prior to taking a bit of a writing hiatus, I got two stories accepted for publication in 2022. Today, I’m proud to announce that the first of them, Hello Dad, got published recently by the literary review Witness.

Hello Dad is based off of a story a friend once told me about their own childhood. I think it highlights nicely the complex nature of the relationships we as adults often have, told from the perspective of a child. I’m very glad to present it to you all today.

Hello Dad was first written in July of 2019 and was first submitted for publication in May of 2020. It was rejected by a total of 20 literary reviews and magazines before being accepted for publication by Witness in November of 2021, it finally getting published in April of 2022. As always, it’s a hell of a journey from point A to point B. If you’d like to read it, check out the below link, and also give Witness a gander, they have lots of great stories.




Yesterday, I found out that my story “Collin” is going to be published by a literary review called K’In. This is pretty cool given that Collin is one of those stories which is quirky and weird, which made it a joy to write but leaves one with the sense that there’s no way in hell anyone is going to publish it. Either way, this will be my 44th short story published.

As always, you won’t be able to read this story until it gets published, but in the mean time maybe you can check out my novel, The People’s Republic of 47th and Long.


Ruminate Publishes I've Come To Hold The Baby

Soon after Ruminate published my short story I’ve Come To Hold The Baby, I got a very nice message from a random stranger which said: “That was absolutely gorgeous. I'm glad I took the time to do as Ruminate suggests, slow down, relax and read.”

I’ve Come To Hold The Baby is decidedly a strange story. It really doesn’t have a beginning, middle, or end. Rather, it is more just a brief window into a situation with no explanation, something that kept many people from publishing it. However, I don’t think a story has to have specific parts to have a story, rather it just needs to make us think about or feel something.

I’ve Come To Hold The Baby was first written in February of 2019 and was first submitted for publication in June of that same year. It was rejected by a total of 26 literary reviews and magazines, most of them pointing out a lack of plot or explanation of what in the hell was going on, before being accepted for publication by Ruminate in August of 2021, and now here it is in December, out and about in the world, available for anyone to read. It’s a good feeling when you write something and know from the beginning its something good enough to publish. It’s an even better feeling to actually have someone publish it. If you’d like to read it, you can find it via the below link.



I like good news that comes in pairs. Only ten days after finding out my story “Hello Dad” is going to be published by Witness, I get a message from a literary review in Montana called Ruminate that they would like to publish my story “I’ve Come To Hold The Baby “. Cool beans. Not only that, but they’re also going to pay me $10 for it, which isn’t much, but is pretty good in the old short story submission game. This has been a nice way to end the year.

As always, you won’t be able to read either story until they get published, but in the mean time maybe you can check out Professor Errare’s newest book. It’s the perfect gift for someone you care enough about to get a gift but not so much so that you need to spend a a bunch of money on them.



In a bit of good news, today I got word that my story, Hello Dad, will be published in a literary review called Witness. This is kind of a big deal given Witness is by far the highest tier literary review I’ve ever been published by, at least to such people who seem to know about such things. Not sure how you get that job, but that’s not really important right now. Huzzah!

Of course, you won’t be able to read this new story until after it’s published some time later this winter. Until then, maybe you should check out my new book, the People’s Republic of 47th and Long. Thank you as always for reading.


The People's Republic of 47th and Long


In some ways it’s hard to remember the early days of COVID. Though less than two years ago, it seems like such a very long time ago, back when memories of the old world were still fresh and none of us really had any idea where the hell any of this was going to go. Like many people then, I found myself with a sudden abundance of free time, which I strived to fill as much as possible with activities that didn’t involve watching Netflix or just staring dumbly at the wall. To help keep myself sane, I gave myself a challenge, write a story, adding a new section everyday.

When it comes to escapism, I’m apparently not that good at it. Though to be fair, between the pandemic and the increasing levels of political strife, it was hard to focus on anything else. The story that emerged over the next several months was set a few years in the future, a place where the COVID was much worse than it actually was, exacerbating our differences and leading to the collapse of society. The main character was a man named Leo, who saw the collapse as an opportunity to build something better, but somehow still felt just as trapped as I did spending day after day in my house.

I chose to write the story in a style called epistolary, which means in the form of letters, diary entries, articles, and the such. In this case it was in the form of letters sent by Leo to two distant friends, the reader only having access to Leo’s letters, and therefore to only one side of the conversation. My great grandmother was a sentimental soul who saved every letter she ever received. Many times I’ve read through them, and the strange juxtaposition of both understanding and mystery the reading those letters raised in me was something I wanted to capture. Something that seemed appropriate for the time in which I was living, where everything was unknown.

Unfortunately, after a little more than two months, I fell off the wagon so to speak . The world was somehow growing more chaotic, and amidst the sweeping currents of the time I had few moments to write. Besides, the world was moving fast and I could no longer keep up, shifting my story from a possibility to a distinct divergence in the timeline. I didn’t return to it until late August. I completed it as best I could, finishing the story before the two worlds could diverge any further. Though in the end, I told the story that I set out to tell, I was unsure what to do with it, so let it sit.

Now normally when I write a book, there is a rush to do edits and re-writes, and then to send it out in the desperate fishing expedition that is trying to get an agent. Though I did eventually do the edits and re-writes, and overall liked the story I had created, I found myself not sending it out to agents all that much. I was being pulled in so many different ways, most feeling more important than trying to get a book published. After all, what message could I hope to give with a book in some ways already out of date with the rapidly changing world around me? Such a viewpoint was not unique to that particular piece of writing either. It would be fair to say that my writing overall suffered, 2020 and 2021 being some of my least productive years both in terms of written words and the quality of them. July of 2021 was the first month in which I failed to write a short story since September of 2012.

To be frank, I’ve worried that perhaps the spark that has driven my writing for the past nine years has left me, snuffed out by our drastic and melancholy times. It felt as though I’ve just been going through the motions, my writing increasingly a habit rather than a joy. Things that seemed so big not so long ago, now feel rather small, and the things worth writing about now feel big beyond description. This is not to say that I don’t want to write anymore. Such a thought is comparable to me cutting off my own right arm. However, I have come to the conclusion that if I want to find joy in writing again, then I need to start from the beginning, and so that’s what I’m going to do.

Starting again requires some type of sacrifice, which is how I look at my decision to self-publish my latest book without ever really trying to find it an agent. Though I’m in essence guaranteeing that it will never be read by thousands as all authors secretly hope, I am accepting that I don’t currently have the energy to send it out to countless agents in the slim hope that one takes the bait. However, nor do I want it to just sit on a shelf either. I think my book has a message that is relevant to our times, as all authors secretly do, and I’d rather have a few people read it than none at all. So in the spirit of embracing the chaotic world we find ourselves in, and in seeing the chaos as a source of hopeful new beginnings rather than a recipe for dread, I’m glad to present to you, The People’s Republic of 47th and Long. I hope you give it a read, and I hope you enjoy it.


Cirque Publishes The Devil


Cirque has published my short story, The Devil. I’m very happy to see this story finally get put into print. It was a fun one to write and one of my personal favorites. However, it took a long damn time and many rejections to get it before you today. The Devil was first written in June of 2017 and first submitted for publication in October of that same year. It was rejected by everyone. Over the next five years it was rejected a total of 76 times. Now rejection is just part of writing, you never know what might tickle someone’s fancy at any given time, but when it’s one of your favorite stories, the rejection has an especially harsh sting to it. Not all of the rejections were bad. About a quarter of the time they included something about how the readers enjoyed the piece, but it just didn’t quite fit with the voice of the magazine or the specific issue they were working on. Rejections like this lessened the sting a bit, but were in their own way even more deeply frustrating. It’s one thing to have to accept that you might just have written a bad story, it’s another to know you’re getting held back by dumb luck. Anyways, that all came to an end when Cirque accepted The Devil for publication in February of 2021, some seven months after it was submitted. Now four months later, here it is for you to read.

The story is on page 59 of the magazine:

If you have trouble finding it you can also find it here:

Wait....What? Accepted and Published by The Cabinet of Heed


I was going though my post-Memorial Day emails today and discovered that The Cabinet of Heed had not only accepted my story Wait…What? for publication, they had also already published it in their May issue. As far as stories go, this one is a bit weird. Sometimes it’s nice to plan out a story and try to really come through with an important message about life or the way things are done. Other times it’s just fun to start writing with no plan whatsoever and just see where things go. This story is definitely the latter.

Wait….What? was first written in August of 2019. It was then left in the pile of stories I tend to only submit on a strange whim until September of 2020. It was rejected four times before being submitted to The Cabinet of Heed in April of 2021 and accepted for publication and published the following month. This is my second publication by The Cabinet of Heed. I hope you enjoy it.


Germany Strikes Again

A few days ago, somebody from Germany bought my short story collection Stumptown, which is kind of interesting given my book The Uncanny Valley was also bought by somebody from Germany back in January. This raises a lot of questions? Is this the same person or somebody new? How in the heck did someone from Germany even find my books? Do I have a secret burgeoning German fanbase? Am I the next David Hasselhoff? Well, whatever the answers, I hope the random German person or persons buying my books enjoys them.


Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Doubleback Re-Publishes Doing What You Have To Do

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Today the Doubleback Review re-published one of my earliest short stories, Doing What You Have To Do. Doubleback specializes in re-publishing stories from now defunct literary reviews, which is a pretty cool idea given the significant turnover in literary reviews, which results in many amazing stories being lost. Doing What You Have To Do holds a special place for me. Written back in February of 2013, it was the first short story that I started sending out to see if I could get it published. Though it wasn’t the first to be published, it was an early one, getting published in The Soundings Review in the summer of 2015. Unfortunately, The Soundings Review went defunct soon afterwards. However, now, thanks to Doubleback, a whole new set of readers have a chance to see it.

To read Doing What You Have To Do, check out the following link:

To check out more about my writing, go to:

Entropy Publishes Little Bird

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Entropy Magazine has published by short piece, Little Bird, which is probably better described as an essay than a piece of fiction, since there really isn’t anything made up about it. Depression is a very real part of my life, coming and going in undulating waves until eventually it gets bad enough, about every four to five years or so, that I go onto medication for awhile to get my head back above water. Describing depression is difficult, I’d describe it less as feeling sad and more as a complete lack of any emotion whatsoever. However, even more difficult is describing the cycle of depression. Anyways, you’ll have to read the damn thing to see where I’m going with all of this.

Little Bird was first written in December of 2018 and then left in the pile of stories I never submit because they are written for personal processing reasons rather than creating something cool for people to read reasons. In March of 2021, I decided to submit it to Entropy because they weren’t accepting fiction submissions. It was accepted for publication two days later and now here we are with it out in the world. I hope you enjoy it.


Entropy Keeps This Ball Rolling

I should’ve known if I noted a trend, such as most of my stories being accepted for publication being funny this year, then something would go and break the trend. That something is Entropy Magazine, which I’m pleased to report is going to publish my short story, or maybe it’s an essay, Little Bird. The thing that makes this story different is it’s about depression, which isn’t really all that funny, unless you have a particularly weird sense of humor. Anyways, either way, I’m glad that it’s getting published, bringing the total so far this year to seven, which is pretty cool given that I got eight published over the whole of last year.

Anyways, you’ll of course have to wait until Entropy publishes it to read it, but in the mean time, you should really check out my newest short story collection, Stumptown. Thank you as always to everyone for your support.


The Croaker Accepts My Story

An online humor magazine called The Croaker sent me a message today letting me know they’d like to publish my, I’m not sure what you call it because it’s not really a short story, maybe an essay, I don’t know, I’m not the best with the nomenclature. Anyways, it’s called Bear Rug. It started out as a ridiculous Facebook post, which then morphed into something that’s apparently publishable. This will be my sixth short story published so far in 2021, which is pretty damn cool given that I got seven published in total last year. An interesting thing I’ve noticed this year is that pretty much everything I’ve gotten published this year is more on the humorous end. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that 2020 had enough drama without people reading drama.

Anyways, good news on the writing front, but you’re going to have to wait until it’s published to read it. In the mean time, maybe check out Professor Errare, who is currently doing a history of the United States.


Doubleback Review Does It's Thing

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Today I received word from a literary review called Doubleback Review that they would like to publish my short story, Doing What You Have To Do. But wait a minute, the more detail oriented amongst you might be saying, hasn’t that particular story already been published? Well, yes it has, in the Soundings Review clear back in 2015. However, the Soundings Review has been defunct for years, my story appearing in its very last issue, and Doubleback is a literary review with a the very specific goal of publishing the best of short stories that were published in now defunct literary reviews.

Overall, this is pretty exciting for me, mostly because it gives a whole new group of people the opportunity to read a story that is one of my personal favorites. Doing What You Have To Do is one of the first stories I ever wrote, one of the first I let somebody else read, and one of the first stories I ever started trying to get published. I look forward to sharing it with you again, but in the mean time, check out some of my other writing, such as my book Papaya.


Soliloquy of the Ring

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The Cabinet of Heed published my short story, Soliloquy of the Ring, earlier this week. What can I say about this story? Sometimes you write something simply because you need to write something ridiculous. You never really plan on sharing it with the world, but then one day you find a literary review that very specifically says send us your weird stories, so you think, what the hell, and send it on its way. Well, now here it is, a very strange story out in the public eye.

Soliloquy of the Ring can best be described as the combination of a story a friend once told me about the dark phase of a post break up recovery and a Shakespearian tragedy. One of the more fun things about writing it was figuring out the correct usages of all the thine and thy and thou and so forth.

Soliloquy of the Ring was written in May of 2019. It was first submitted for publication in January of 2021, accepted for publication in February, and now published in March. It was never rejected, though mostly because I didn’t have the balls to send it out to any other literary reviews. I hope you enjoy it.


Fourth Issue of Cirque in a Row!!

Something big happened today. Cirque Journal, which has published me in their last three issues, let me know that they’re going to go right ahead and raise that number up to four. This is a considerable honor, and I’m excited that it’s going to be “The Devil”, one of my favorite stories that I’ve ever written. The Devil languished for a quite a long time just on the edge. It was constantly getting rejected, but with what I call encouraging rejections, where people tell you all about how much they loved it, then reject it anyways. Well, that trend is at last broken.

Of course, you can’t see “The Devil” until it gets published, but in the mean time, maybe check out what good old Professor Errare has been up to.


Margarita Monday Published by Pilgrimage Press


Today my short story Margarita Monday was published by Pilgrimage Press. Originally slated to come out last summer, months of delays due to COVID and other such things have finally come to an end, and now at last it’s out into the world.

I first wrote Margarita Monday way back in July of 2013. Based on a story told to me by a friend who works as a nurse, I did a lot of research to make sure the descriptions of this story were accurate, which involved a lot of watching Youtube videos of abdominal surgeries. This isn’t really something people tell you a lot about writing fiction, but it often involves a lot more research than you’d think to ensure the worlds you create are accurate. You know, unless you write fantasy or something like that, then all bets are off.

Anyways, never really feeling like Margarita Monday was one of my stronger stories, I only submitted it nineteen times over a six year period. This culminated in me submitting it to Pilgrimage Press in September of 2019, as one last try before including it in my short story collection Stumptown. Imagine my surprise when it was then accepted for publication in February of 2020, and now at last , nearly eight years after it was written, it’s out in the world. It just goes to show, you never know what might get published and you shouldn’t give up on something just because it was written long long ago.

Anyways, if you’d like to read it, just follow the handy dandy link below. I hope you enjoy it.


Dear Vegan Food Manufacturers Published by Pioneertown

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Where to begin with this story, which really isn’t a story if you want to get technical about it. Dear Vegan Food Manufacturers began as a joke, which turned into a Facebook post, which then morphed into an essay I guess would be the proper term. Either way, it was never anything I imagined a literary review publishing, and yet, here we are. Dear Vegan Food Manufacturers was published by Pioneertown today.

Dear Vegan Food Manufacturers was written in February of 2019. After that, it sat unused until October of 2020, when for a bit of a lark I sent it to two literary reviews, one of which soon after rejected it and the other which just as quickly accepted it for publication. Now here we are just four months later, with it out to be viewed by the world. I guess it just goes to show, you never know what might catch somebody’s eye when it comes to writing. Not everything has to be serious after all.
