Entropy Magazine has published by short piece, Little Bird, which is probably better described as an essay than a piece of fiction, since there really isn’t anything made up about it. Depression is a very real part of my life, coming and going in undulating waves until eventually it gets bad enough, about every four to five years or so, that I go onto medication for awhile to get my head back above water. Describing depression is difficult, I’d describe it less as feeling sad and more as a complete lack of any emotion whatsoever. However, even more difficult is describing the cycle of depression. Anyways, you’ll have to read the damn thing to see where I’m going with all of this.
Little Bird was first written in December of 2018 and then left in the pile of stories I never submit because they are written for personal processing reasons rather than creating something cool for people to read reasons. In March of 2021, I decided to submit it to Entropy because they weren’t accepting fiction submissions. It was accepted for publication two days later and now here we are with it out in the world. I hope you enjoy it.