Soon after Ruminate published my short story I’ve Come To Hold The Baby, I got a very nice message from a random stranger which said: “That was absolutely gorgeous. I'm glad I took the time to do as Ruminate suggests, slow down, relax and read.”
I’ve Come To Hold The Baby is decidedly a strange story. It really doesn’t have a beginning, middle, or end. Rather, it is more just a brief window into a situation with no explanation, something that kept many people from publishing it. However, I don’t think a story has to have specific parts to have a story, rather it just needs to make us think about or feel something.
I’ve Come To Hold The Baby was first written in February of 2019 and was first submitted for publication in June of that same year. It was rejected by a total of 26 literary reviews and magazines, most of them pointing out a lack of plot or explanation of what in the hell was going on, before being accepted for publication by Ruminate in August of 2021, and now here it is in December, out and about in the world, available for anyone to read. It’s a good feeling when you write something and know from the beginning its something good enough to publish. It’s an even better feeling to actually have someone publish it. If you’d like to read it, you can find it via the below link.