The Closet Accepted for Publication

I just got word yesterday that the Clackamas Literary Review will be publishing my short story, “The Closet”, in their next issue. Huzzah and other old timey calls of adulation abound. This is my second time to be published in the Clackamas Literary Review, you can check out the first time via the following link:

The Closet is a story that I threw together one night in a frenzy of writing which left me in a strange state of nostalgia and emotional exhaustion. I wanted to capture the feeling of childhood, when the world is less concrete and definitive. While I enjoyed the resulting story, it was never one I thought would get published, since its a rather weird story, but as last week shows, one can always be surprised.

The Closet was first written in late 2015 and was rejected 20 times before being accepted to publication. I look forward to letting you read it, but we’re all going to have to wait for it to get published. Cheers, and as always, thanks for reading.