Margarita Monday Accepted For Publication

This evening I came home and found an unexpected acceptance email in my inbox from Pilgrimage Magazine. They’re going to be publishing my story Margarita Monday this spring. This is a perfect example of the strange twists and turns of the writing world. If you asked me to rank all of the stories I’ve written from strongest to weakest, I would’ve consistently ranked this one lower in the list, but here it is getting published while so many of the one’s higher on the list keeping getting sent out again and again. It’s a wild world.

Fun fact, in writing this story I watched several Youtube videos of surgeries, something I never thought I’d do, but there you go, the lengths one goes for accurate writing.

Of course you’re going to have to wait for the story to be published to read it, but in the mean time, I hope you enjoy some of my earlier published stories. Thank you as always for your support.