Landlady Published in BlazeVOX


Today my short story Landlady came out in BlazeVOX, an online literary review out of New York.

This is one of my quicker stories to get picked up. I first wrote it in February of 2018, and it was rejected by a total of only 12 other literary reviews before getting picked up by BlazeVOX. The world of submissions is one of patience, with it not being uncommon to have to wait six months or more just to find out that your story got rejected. However, this time I got lucky.

Often times with the stories I write Iā€™m interested in the hidden world within. The weird thoughts, impulses, ideas, and doubts which cloud how we see the world and those we interact with in it. I hope you enjoy it.

The story can be found in the Spring 2019 issue of BlazeVOX.