Today a literary review out of India called The Punch Magazine accepted my story “Digory” for publication, my 25th short story to be published. This is actually not the first time a literary review from India has accepted one of my stories for publication. Back in 2015 a publication called Reading Hour published my story “The Care Package”. It’s actually not uncommon to send stories overseas. While most of mine have been published in the United States, I regularly send stories to literary reviews in the UK, Canada, Australia, and at times even India.
In this case, my friend Kristina Tate, a fellow author (check out her stuff here), sent me a message saying that Punch Magazine was open for submissions. I’m not sure if I found the one she was talking about, but I did manage to find The Punch Magazine, and it seems to have worked out okay. Within a day of submitting they got back to me saying they’d like to publish.
The quickness of the reply worried me somewhat. I’ve run into scams before. A long time ago I was told a piece of mine was accepted by a magazine, only to then have them demand a printing fee of $50. It should go without saying that I didn’t pay the $50. However, I’ve done a lot of back checking on this one, and it seems pretty legit. You never know, but I’m feeling pretty good about it right now.
Of course you’ll have to wait until its published to actually read it, but in the mean time, check out my latest published short story, An Apple A Day, via the below link.
As always thank you to everyone for their support over the years.