Papaya gets another step closer.

Instead of going out today, I finally got caught up on edits for my book Papaya, getting it to the point where I'm comfortable putting it out there to prospective agents.

Special thanks to Marcus Hart, Jessi Lynch, Jane O’Keeffe, Liz Knowles Ryan, Aaron Clutter, and Kenton Erwin for letting me sucker them in to being readers and editors.

The next steps are to write a cover letter and a synopsis to send out to prospective agents. It's basically like trying to find a job only somehow more god awful. If it gets accepted by an agent, then it gets shopped around for possible legit publishing. If it doesn't, then I go the self-publishing route the same as I did with The Uncanny Valley. At the same time, I'll probably start on a third book so I can go through the whole rigmarole again.

As always, thank you to everyone who supports my writing and asks about it. I know I'm not always the best at showing my appreciation for such things, but please believe me when I say it is there.

If you're feeling bored, you can check out the first chapter online via the below link. You can also check out my other writing projects there.
